SEO For Adult Shopify Store

Why You Absolutely Need SEO For Your Shopify Adult Store

Running a Shopify adult store without promoting it online is usually a waste of money and time. With so many options promising incredible results, who do you choose the one that yields the most? In our many years of internet marketing, we can tell that it is definitely SEO for your kind of business. Let’s find out why!

SEO Helps You Acquire Organic Traffic

SEO and organic Traffic

When we talk about convention brick-and-mortar kind of business, the location and the signboard are your promotional tools. With an online store, you don’t have such a privilege. And that’s what SEO is for: it is dedicated to making your adult store noticeable to those who happen to be in your ‘area’ – or are interested in what you offer.

By posting relevant content on your website, we ensure that Google and other search engines understand what your Shopify business is all about and make sure that a person looking for adult toys or even just being curious about them will see your website first.

Another important aspect is social media pages. It might get a little tricky with adult websites and stores since most social networks tend to mistreat adult industry-related content. However, clever content management will facilitate this task. Plus, some networks, such as Twitter, are far more tolerant, allowing you to create a new area of recognition and customer attraction for your adult store by employing relevant hashtags.

Your Target Audience Will Probably Ignore Your Sponsored Ads

shopify and sponsored ads

One of the main mistakes many adult business owners make is heavily relying on paid ads. To answer the question ‘why,’ let’s just imagine ourselves in the place of a person who gets an ad while not looking specifically for sex toys or other related products. Naturally, the very first instinct is to close the ad. And even (the ad provides this option) as to be spared of the advertisement of such nature. And, mind you, whether this person is interested in what you have to offer. It just happens to be the wrong time. This makes even thoroughly researched and well-judged targeting virtually useless and wasted money.

Similar Post: SEO Strategy for Adult E-commerce/Sex Toy Websites

SEO Establishes Your Adult Toy Store

seo established adult toy store

The adult toy industry truly resides in trust and recognition. There are few other industries where trust is that paramount. This may be seen as a challenge and an opportunity at the same time.

Besides working simply with keywords, a truly great SEO focuses on getting great reviews for your company. While part of it is the quality of your product, most entrepreneurs fail in the area where they come short: web design and related issues. Our goal, among others, is to ensure that your happy customers leave reviews and that your first-time clients see them. It also helps promote your business on social media and search engines: real and positive reviews make promoting your website more accessible.

Remember we talked about opportunities? Well, having great reviews, in the long run, allows you to attract customers who, first of all, are ready to pay more and, secondly, those who are still hesitant to indulge themselves because of being anxious about being scammed and duped.

SEO Saves Your Time and Money

Seo save time and money

You may argue that it might help with brand recognition. While it is technically accurate, it is also essential to keep in mind another even more valuable resource than money – time. Band recognition is an extremely time-consuming thing very businesses can afford at earlier stages. By betting your marketing budget on the paid ads strategy,  you will waste a lot of time and, consequently, growth opportunities together with spending much more money on getting clientele.

So how do you reach out to your target audience, people who want the naughty toys you offer, yet don’t know about your Shopify adult store? The key here is not just the interest. It is the time or even the mood. And the only real way to make this work is to be there when your future customer is looking for sex toys. Instead of force-feeding everyone information about your shop, it will appear in front of their eyes when they want it. And it all is made through careful keyword research, composing the content, and improving your website’s authority. 

Your Products are Displayed Effectively

Product displayed effectively

SEO stands for Search Engines Optimization. And ‘optimization’ here is used in more than one sense. This process also involves the optimization of the technical and content side of your Shopify adult store. The key here is to structure the data on your website the way it makes it open and work the fastest, index and read through by search engines the easiest and navigate by your clients the simplest.

Top-notch SEO specialists make sure that a client making a specific request will land on the exact page where you offer such items, and a person browsing and looking through will find it easy to discover the toys or other products that he doesn’t know what he wants yet. There is always a lot of useful and insightful advice from SEO specialists to website owners opening their eyes to a whole new side of their online adult store they can improve.

SEO Takes your Shop Steps Ahead of Your Competitors

Seo Competitors

Delegating is one of the most challenging things a business owner, a person who is used to relying on themselves, has to do. However, when it comes to SEO, even if you think you can do it by yourself (which, having dedicated enough time and effort to learn it, you can), you should let an SEO company handle it: your time and creativity are always needed in the areas which only you know how to deal with: the assortment, the employees, the pricing – the list goes on and on! Sparing yourself from an area where your business vision isn’t needed and where it’s only the expertise and the knowledge of the current policies and algorithms of search engines and social networks that matter will give your business an advantage over others.


Some clients ask us why they should choose us. The answer is simple: if you don’t want to get ahead only of those who either ignore SEO altogether or are stubbornly trying to do everything by themselves. If you want to dominate even those already working with SEO agencies, you will need the best one in your industry. You should work with a company that combines internet marketing know-how with a deep understanding of the caveats and details of the adult business.

Also Read: How to set up a legal adult business and website?



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